

Do Long-Distance Relationships Work?

Do Long-Distance Relationships Work?

Introduction Long-distance relationships are hard. There's no way around it. You're not around each other all the time, so there's less opportunity to connect and more chance for things to go wrong. But it's not impossible—and if you know what you're getting into, you can make a long-distance relationship work. Here are six tips for…

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Relationship Repair in 5 Steps

Relationship Repair in 5 Steps

Introduction It’s never easy to rebuild a relationship that’s gone sour. But it’s possible! In fact, I can think of many couples who have turned their romantic relationships around. The key is to remember the early days of your relationship, when everything was new and exciting: the way you felt about yourself when you were…

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Secrets for Successful Second Marriage

Secrets for Successful Second Marriage

Introduction Remarriage is a great way to start a family again and build a new life, but there are some things you need to keep in mind if you want this marriage to last. Just like with the first marriage, remarriage is not easy. There are ups and downs that come along with any relationship,…

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10 Solid Tips on How to Prepare for Couples Coaching

10 Solid Tips on How to Prepare for Couples Coaching

Introduction Coaching is a great way to strengthen your relationship, but it can be intimidating. The idea of meeting with a stranger, or even someone you know well, can be scary enough. If you're feeling anxious about starting couples coaching, here are some tips to help ease your mind: Keep your values in mind. As…

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Defensiveness in Marriage

Defensiveness in Marriage

Introduction Being defensive in marriage can be a major relationship killer, but it doesn’t have to be! If you want to stop being defensive and learn how to respond instead of reacting, you’ve come to the right blog post. Step One: Focus on the heart of the issue Focus on the heart of the issue,…

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7 Things to Try to Make Your Relationships Better

7 Things to Try to Make Your Relationships Better

Relationships can be difficult.  They always have been, and they always will be. But that doesn't mean there aren't ways you can improve your relationship, even if it's already pretty good! Here are some things that my husband and I did to make our relationship better: Make your relationship a priority. Make time to talk.…

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5 Conversations to Have Before Getting a Divorce

5 Conversations to Have Before Getting a Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but it can be even more difficult if you and your spouse aren't on the same page about fundamental issues. That's why it's important to have "the talk" before you go through with a divorce: so that both of you are well-informed about what to expect from one another (and what…

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How to Have Better Conversations With Your Partner

How to Have Better Conversations With Your Partner

When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to communicate with your partner. The more you communicate, the better your relationship becomes and the stronger your love for each other grows. We all know this, but we don’t always follow through on it. Let me be the first to admit that my communication skills could use…

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Need More Confidence? Get a Life Coach

Need More Confidence? Get a Life Coach

One of the best ways to gain more confidence is from a life coach. This can be especially true if you tend to doubt yourself and have trouble believing that others would actually want to be around you! Having a coach who can help you focus on your goals and aspirations in life can be…

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How to be more confident and grow a backbone

How to be more confident and grow a backbone

You've been told that you need to grow a backbone for as long as you can remember. But what does it mean to have a strong backbone? How do you build one? And will having one really help you get ahead in life? In this article, we'll explain what a backbone is and how it…

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