
Imagine if you could hire a Life Coach for Free!

Imagine if you could hire a Life Coach for Free! Someone who would be by your side, talk to you weekly, and literally give you the steps and blueprint to live your best life. A coach could show you that you don’t grow from your experiences in life. You grow from reflecting on these life experiences. Reflecting with your coach can be a very powerful process.

When I take my clients through the steps of self-reflection, they realize their greatest triumphs and epic failures all stem from past behaviors and rooted patterns of childhood imprints. Without self-reflection, they would continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly.

How often have we met someone who continues to struggle since they keep repeating self-destructive patterns from their past?

Imagine if we met with a coach and, within one month, we could turn the ship around. See the blue sky through the dark clouds. Have one a-ha moment after the next. Imagine if you started feeling happier and more optimistic, got along better in your intimate relationships, and had financial success within your reach. You could follow a blueprint and have a partner along the way when you veered off course.

This is the power of coaching/consulting. Most people don’t have a coaching budget. They have a budget for their next vacation. They’re saving for a new car. They’re preparing to upgrade their flat-screen tv. But they don’t have a coaching budget. Not everyone is ready to work with a coach. Not everyone is ready to live their Best Life. My question to you is, Why?

Why would we waste a precious second or day when we know our days on this Earth are limited? Why are you wasting time beating up on yourself instead of nurturing and bringing out your best self?

Thoughts to ponder in 2023?

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