
10 Ways To Get A Man To Chase You Without Playing Games

When it comes to men, there are things that a woman can do to get a man to chase her. The secret is simple: play hard to get. In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how you can keep a man interested in you by playing hard-to-get.

Give him space.

If you constantly text and call your man, he may think you are clingy and desperate. This is the opposite of what you want to convey! Instead of texting him all day, try giving him space and not texting him as often as usual.

Be mysterious.

Being mysterious is one of the most important factors in getting a man to chase you. When you act like you have your ducks in a row, he’ll feel more comfortable moving forward and taking things further with you.

When he asks questions, don’t give too much away right away; leave some mystery around what makes him so special to you! It will make him want to know more about himself and why he deserves such special treatment from someone as amazing as you.

Don’t play games with men who aren’t worth it.

Many men are not worth your time and energy. If you find yourself dating someone who is emotionally unavailable, or if he has a history of cheating and lying, then it’s best to avoid playing games with him in the first place.

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