

Calcium Phos. is most important in the formation of new cells. It is essential for proper growth and nutrition of the body. It gives solidity to the bones. We need this tissue salt for the restoration of tissues after acute diseases. It is an excellent stomach and digestion tonic.  

Phosphate of lime (calc. phos.) is a principal chemical constituent of the bones, and it is also one of the effective cell salt remedies. It is given for its restorative powers following acute diseases and infections. In addition, it is specifically called for in all bone problems, as well as in many kinds of anemia, because it builds up new blood cells. It is essential in general nutrition as well.

Calc. phos., as a nutritional cell salt remedy, is one of the first cell salts to take if you are generally run down. It is the primary remedy indicated for children who are not developing correctly. 

When symptoms indicate a need for one of the other cell salts, it is often fitting to take calcium phosphate also. This is because it tends to intensify the action of other cell salts, promoting healthy cellular activity and restoring tone to weakened organs and tissues.

The Importance of Good Nutrition

If you are taking this cell salt remedy because of digestive or nutritional problems, it is smart to combine its regular use with an intelligent approach to nutrition. After a change to a more healthful diet, you will be amazed at the improvement in your health. Calc. phos. can aid tremendously in your digestive processes, but no remedy can completely counteract the effects of a harmful diet.

If you find that you have an unusual craving for salty bacon or smoked meat; if cold drinks, ice cream, and fruit seem to cause diarrhea; if eating causes stomach pains; if you have a gnawing, empty feeling in your stomach even after eating, consider taking calc. phos.

Taken along with calc, fluor., this remedy has given positive results for people suffering from obesity. This is because one of the problems that calc. phos can cure a ravenous appetite, especially when it strikes before dinner. If you suffer from indigestion, a dose of calc. phos. should be taken after every meal. It will help break up the food and promote healthy digestion. It will also help when there is an increase in gas.


Quite often, the person who needs calc. phos. is tall, thin, listless, without ambition, and suffers from low spirits. Why does calc. phos. work so well in such cases? The answer is that a shortage of this mineral results in a lack of red blood cells. A low red blood cell count affects the bones since red blood cells make up part of the marrow of bones. Anemia, for example, almost always calls for treatment with calc. phos, as well as ferrum phos.

Calc. phos, has helped many teenage girls because it combats female disorders. A common application of the cell salt remedies in female disorders requires a couple of weeks of treatment with calc. phos, followed by treatment with ferrum phos. You should alternate the two remedies as long as the conditions persist.

Quite often, those who have a calcium phosphate deficiency will have a waxy pallor to their skin. They suffer from headaches, often characterized by a cold feeling in the head. They may also suffer from vertigo when walking. Watching television may cause headaches in these people.

Teeth and Bones

One of the body’s greatest needs is calcium, yet the modern diet lacks this mineral. Much of the digestible calcium in milk is destroyed by pasteurization. 

Calc. phos. is the primary cell salt remedy for children whose head bones are slow in forming or seem to be slow in developing mentally and physically. It has also been recommended for older people who have trouble rising from a sitting position. This remedy is valuable for both old and young.

Children who need this remedy often have poor memories and bad tempers. They are usually thin or even emaciated. They also tend to complain of muscle pains, especially in the left side of the body. Their teeth often appear to be very soft, and dentition is delayed. Their upper lips are frequently sore and painful, as are their tongues. They also have trouble with digestion and elimination.

Calc. phos. can also be helpful in mouth disorders such as sore throats and tonsillitis. 

The best-known use for calc. phos. is in treating teething problems related to poor nutrition and slow development. Doctors often prescribe calc. phos. for pregnant women. This cell salt is especially beneficial for those who have had trouble carrying children to term in the past or seem to exhibit the classic symptoms of calcium phosphate deficiency. 

Calc. phos. is not only the chief cell salt remedy for children. It can also work miracles in dealing with the problems of the old. Many older adults find that taking this remedy regularly keeps rheumatism aggravated by the night air and bad weather. When joints are bothered by cold, numbness, stiffness, or just plain aching, the best treatment is calc. Phos. and ferrum phos.

Psychological Symptoms

Calc. phos. has also been used by doctors to help patients who are suffering from unpleasant mental states. When children are fretful or peevish when the memory is poor, and when there seems to be an incapacity for concentrated thought, assuming other symptoms agree, this remedy can help.

All the phosphate cell salts are recommended for nerves and nerve ailments, but calc. Phos. has had some specific successes with certain kinds of neuralgia. These are characterized by aching bones, anemia, rheumatism, and so on. 

The Skin

Calc. phos, can be used with other indicated remedies in treating various skin problems, specifically facial eruptions that contain albuminous fluid, with yellow-white scabs. It is also effective in treating eczema associated with anemia. Freckles disappear, this remedy is used, or at least you will see less of them. 

Mental Symptoms:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Impaired Memory
  • Mental Anxiety
  • Children are peevish and forgetful
  • After grief, disappointment
  • Useful Applications:
  • Anemic state with spasm and pains
  • Bone formation and delayed
  • Rachitis
  • Croup
  • Chronic enlargement of tonsils
  • Colic in babies
  • Wetting the bed
  • Frequent urination
  • Herpes
  • Infants who want to nurse all the time
  • Gums pale
  • Infants who vomit too easily
  • Heartburn

Interesting Use  

Freckles are lessened with the use of this tissue salt.

Food desire/aversion  

bacon, ham, salted meat

Sleep Use calc phos and mag phos

Check out our other posts in our Cell Salt Series:

Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies

Calcium Fluoride (calc fluor)

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