

Alkaline VS Acidic Foods

Alkaline VS Acidic Foods

           Over the past few decades, thousands of man-made toxins have been introduced into our environment, changing it dramatically. The long-term effects of toxic chemicals can be found in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, and in the products we use. In addition, there are…

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952 543 abbelang

Why Magnesium Is Important to Your Health

Magnesium has tons of health benefits. According to the National Institutes of Health, magnesium can help the following conditions: Relieves Insomnia Magnesium relaxes your muscles for better sleep.  It helps to "shut your mind off" and calms your nerves by regulating two of your brain's neurotransmitters that tend to keep you awake.  Magnesium is also…

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150 150 abbelang
Homeopathic Treatment for the Coronavirus

Homeopathic Treatment for the Coronavirus

INDICATIONS: Below dosing instructions are based on the recommendations of Bhawisha Joshi, a homeopath in India working with a lot of 2020 Pandemic patients, and also a collection of remedies that are being used by many various homeopaths treating this season’s pandemic. Each dose, give 2 pellets direct into the mouth, 10 minutes from other…

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400 600 abbelang


Many of my clients , family and friends have been asking me what I am doing and taking at this time in regards to prevention of the coronavirus. Let me start off by saying that taking natural holistic products to build my immune system up has been my way of life the last 35 years.…

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852 852 abbelang
8 Divorce Survival Tips
Divorce Survival Tips

8 Divorce Survival Tips

Women need to be careful when they are hit with a divorce, because they can easily let themselves be taken advantage of without even realizing it. These 8 divorce survival tips can help you make it easier on yourself. Make Copies Be sure to have copies of everything, because if you don't, they will probably…

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800 533 abbelang
Is your marriage worth fighting for?
Marriage Worth Fighting For

Is your marriage worth fighting for?

Only you can really answer that, but I want you to consider some important facts. Most divorced couples do not anticipate the great pain suffered from a divorce that many times affects the rest of their life. Many think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but the truth is that…

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250 250 abbelang
Never, ever date a married man
Never Date A Married Man

Never, ever date a married man

What do you do when you meet some guy that you are really interested in and then find out he's married? Short answer: RUN! (Reaffirm, Unlatch, Next) Let me break this down for you a bit. Reaffirm your goals for a relationship. You want a prince of your very own and not have to share…

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250 250 abbelang
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