
Health & Wellness



Many of my clients , family and friends have been asking me what I am doing and taking at this time in regards to prevention of the coronavirus. Let me start off by saying that taking natural holistic products to build my immune system up has been my way of life the last 35 years.…

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852 852 abbelang
Inflammation: The Hidden Enemy

Inflammation: The Hidden Enemy

In normal situations, inflammation is the body's natural way of protecting itself from infections or toxins. Unfortunately, for many people inflammation gets out of hand, and that can lead to some serious health problems. Some of the first things you may notice are sleep disturbances, weight gain and fatigue, but these are just the beginning…

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2560 1634 abbelang
Heart Health, Diet and Lifestyle
Heart Health, Diet, and Lifestyle

Heart Health, Diet and Lifestyle

Why is hormonal balance and heart health so important in both middle-aged adult females and males? It's because heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. According to Bradley Stemke)

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1024 768 abbelang
Botox, Fillers and Keeping it Real
Botox, Fillers, and Keeping It Real

Botox, Fillers and Keeping it Real

On New Years Eve I watched Jenny McCarthy host Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve. I couldn't help but notice something looked terribly strange about her face! She kept trying to host the show and have some sort of expression and movement to her eyes but couldn't. She was a victim of too much botox…

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800 533 abbelang
Make This New Year Different
Make This New Year Different

Make This New Year Different

Many people use the New Year to think about goals for the future. Losing weight, working out, giving up bad habits... All of these things are common goals but so often people making these goals meet with failure in short order. In fact, you've probably had a similar experience. Why is it so hard to…

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800 533 abbelang
Unhealthy Stress – How your Adrenal Glands Can Affect Your Health
Unhealthy Stress – How your Adrenal Glands Can Affect Your Health

Unhealthy Stress – How your Adrenal Glands Can Affect Your Health

I realized last week that I may have been burning the candle at both ends. After a restful weekend, my body wanted to crash at about 4pm on Monday afternoon. I had went to the gym that day - well actually went to two gyms that day - and by late afternoon I felt extremely…

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800 533 abbelang
Prevent Symptoms of Menopause Naturally
Prevent Symptoms of Menopause Naturally

Prevent Symptoms of Menopause Naturally

Perimenopause and menopause are natural processes that every woman goes through. They are not diseases or disorders, so why do so many women go to the doctor when they enter this period of their lives? The truth is, if your body isn't balanced, the symptoms of menopause can be pretty miserable. Hot flashes, mood changes,…

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800 534 abbelang
Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods
Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

Now it's time for the fun part: all the good foods you can eat that will also protect you from aging. Some of these foods may seem unfamiliar to you, but that's okay. Experiment with different ways of preparing them and you'll open up a whole new world of culinary delights. 1. Turmeric: If you…

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150 150 abbelang

Natural Flu Prevention Methods

Before you think about getting the Flu shot why don't you explore the natural options to stimulate your immune system this winter. Last year has been by far one of the worst flu seasons!   People are always wondering what they can do to stay healthy.   There are several homeopathic remedies that can help…

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150 150 abbelang

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Another good list of early warning symptoms suggestive of magnesium insufficiency: Physical and mental fatigue Persistent under-eye twitch Tension in the upper back, shoulders and neck Headaches Pre-menstrual fluid retention and/or breast tenderness Possible manifestations of magnesium deficiency include: Low energy Fatigue Weakness Confusion Nervousness Anxiousness Irritability Seizures (and tantrums) Poor digestion PMS and hormonal…

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150 150 abbelang
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