

9 Ways to Dramatically Improve Any Relationship

Regardless of what type of Relationship you are looking to improve, whether it’s a friend, family or coworker, you can significantly enhance your relations by following these nine simple rules. RULE 1— Show Genuine Enthusiasm when You First See and Greet the Person. When you first see this person , walk over with a big…

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150 150 abbelang

Ladies-let’s not be Jealous

Hey Ladies- Just wanted to reach out and touch on that ugly topic of Jealousy! You know about that ugly headed monster, right? Well I am here to tell you the facts about men, jealousy and your new attitude ! anytime a woman competes with another woman, she demeans herself. Remember, inside the bedroom as…

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150 150 abbelang

Why did I fall in love with Him???? Her ?????

Why do we fall in love with the people we do? The basic reason is what I call the images that are created from our past- they are a buried internal images created in childhood of one or both of our caretakers. This image serves two purposes: it helps the baby recognize and distinguish the…

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150 150 abbelang

How Men Keep Score-Ladies Listen Up!

I just love having the opportunity to “pick” some of the thinking of my male clients when we are coaching.  And one thing is for sure.  Men give “points” to their woman and they don’t score like we do !  Every time a woman shows appreciation to her man he gives her a point in…

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Teenagers and Connection

Being the mom of three boys, two of them successfully navigating their way through their teen years I am often asked how or what I did to raise such great kids who also have remained very connected towards me.  Did I tell them I am your friend? Was I strict? Was I easy? To be…

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Woman who love More when they should love Less

Ladies-When being in love means being in pain you are loving too much.  When all of your conversations with everyone of your girlfriends are about Him, his thoughts, his feelings, his opinions,-you are loving too much.  When you excuse his bad temper, moodiness, indifference, or insulting put-downs, you are loving too much.  When you try…

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The Imperfect Marriage

Coaching so many of my married clients who so desperately want to have a perfect marriage really got my wheels spinning to create this entry. Is there really a perfect relationship out there? Is there really a perfect marriage? I would like to challenge you to accept and expect imperfection in your marriage. Expect that…

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The Power of Zinc

Zinc is an important mineral playing a vital role for protein synthesis and helping to regulate cell production in the immune system. Zinc is mostly found in the strong muscles of the body and especially in high concentrations in the white and red blood cells, eye retina, skin, liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas. Other body…

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150 150 abbelang

DIVORCE -Should I STAY or Should I GO?

Ladies, It seems that one of the most pressing questions I receive from my female clients who are unhappy in their marriage is “Should I stay and work on my marriage or should I divorce?” Obviously this is a very personal question that needs to be handled based on your situation but there are some…

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The Secret to Changing your Man

Ladies, the secret to successfully changing your man lies in the strategies that you choose.  You need to approach your man through his eyes so you can approach him in the exact way that will make sense to him.  Only then will you be able to be understood by him. Experts say Women speak approximately…

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150 150 abbelang
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