Perimenopause and menopause and Low Libido

Perimenopause and Menopause and Low Libido

One of the most concerning aspects of Perimenopause and menopause is plummeting libido and low sex drive. Even those with active, normally satisfying sex lives find themselves in a place where they aren’t even interested in sex anymore, which can lead to relationship problems, not to mention the self-doubt that comes with it.

Everyone’s desire is different, but one thing is sure: hormones have a lot to do with it. Hormones fluctuate wildly during Perimenopause and menopause and could cause various symptoms that, coupled with low libido, can reduce our desire to have sex.

Some women may experience vaginal dryness, making sex painful or uncomfortable. Others may find it difficult to become aroused or have an orgasm. These are typical physiological symptoms, but there are also emotional factors to consider.

Increased stress and anxiety are also typical at this life stage. Perimenopause and menopause usually onsets in one’s early 40s, a time when many women are dealing with hormonal teenagers, concern for elderly parents, career changes, and relationship issues caused by any of the above.

And let’s not discount the impact of low libido and other perimenopausal symptoms on our relationships. Mood swings, weight gain, and increased anxiety can all impact our intimate relationships. The good news is that, with awareness and commitment, we can address these challenges and improve the outlook. While your sex life might not go back to how it was in your 30s, some strategies will help you get your mojo back and keep your relationships on track.


Natural Remedies for Low Libido

If you’re experiencing low libido, speaking with your gynecologist is often a good place to start. They can help determine the best course of action and help alleviate your stress around the situation.

Topical testosterone cream, for example, is commonly recommended to help perimenopausal women increase their desire for sex. Lubrication helps to reduce vaginal dryness, and various supplements, like maca, ginkgo, and ginseng, are effective for some women to increase desire.

Regular exercise boosts the mood and may help you feel more receptive to having sex. Finally, reducing sugar and processed foods from your diet, adding an omega-3 supplement, and boosting your protein intake will give you sustained energy throughout the day and minimize mood swings and emotional crashes.

While loss of libido is concerning, it is a natural part of aging. That being said, there’s no need to take it lying down! Speak to your gynecologist today and communicate what you’re going through with your partner so you can work together to find a solution.


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