Natural Ways to Reduce The Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Natural Ways to Reduce The Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Are you worried about getting Alzheimer’s disease? You’re not alone! It’s one of the top health concerns. Fortunately, these strategies make it easy to keep your brain healthy and dramatically reduce your risk of memory loss and Alzheimer’s.

Take vitamin D & cocoa flavonoids.

Taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D and 450 mg. of cocoa flavanols daily can decrease your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease by 41% or more, according to Harvard research. Vitamin D blocks damaging inflammation inside the brain, while cocoa switches on enzymes that fix damaged neurons.

Eat eggs

One egg delivers 33% of your daily requirement for choline, a B vitamin that reduces brain aging and can even improve memory, focus, and concentration in as little as two weeks. Other excellent sources of choline include chicken, shrimp, and scallops. Or you can take a 450 mg. supplement daily.

Eat mushrooms

Add 1/2 cup of mushrooms to your diet. It is a delicious way to keep your brain young and your memory clear. Mushrooms are full of nutrients that help your brain and use blood sugar. And when your brain cells get a regular dose of glucose, it cuts your risk of memory problems by 45%.

Take regular walks.

Taking a 20-minute walk each day can cut your risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Walking incites the release of a chemical that grows healthy new brain cells. It increases the size of your memory center by 2% per year- instead of it shrinking.

Enjoy raspberries.

Fresh or frozen, raspberries are abundant in resveratrol, a compound that blocks the production of artery-clogging plaque, improving the flow of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the brain.

Get your hearing checked

When you can hear clearly, your brain is constantly stimulated by what’s going on around you. That keeps the memory center of your brain healthy and active. If you often find yourself saying, “pardon me,” ask your M.D. how to boost your hearing. It could be as simple as flushing out wax buildup.

Pair vitamin C with curcumin

Together, vitamin C and curcumin significantly increase your body’s production of the immune cells that break down troublemaking brain plaques. Proven dose: 1,000 mg. of vitamin C and 500 mg. of curcumin daily.

Indulge in a mini massage 

The stress hormone cortisol doesn’t only make you feel nervous and uneasy. It also makes your immune cells sluggish, so they have a harder time killing off germs. Reduce your cortisol production by at least 25% for 90 minutes by giving yourself a two-minute ear or hand massage whenever you start feeling anxious.

Stay warm

Keep comfortably warm with a hat and an extra layer of clothing on chilly days. That can re-energize your white blood cells so they stay active.

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