How To Finally Be Pain Free the Natural Way!

How To Finally Be Pain Free the Natural Way!

Do you have chronic pain? These easy natural remedies are proof that you don’t have to put up with troublesome pains and other irritants anymore.

Practice slow exercise.

Tai chi, yoga, qigong, or doing any form of gentle, low-impact exercise for 25 minutes daily could reduce your aches and pains better than even prescription pain medications can provide. Relaxing motion decreases your production of cortisol, a pain-producing stress hormone that also delays the healing of damaged tissues.

Try Massage

Massaging sore spots with a lotion, including Celadrin, can reduce pain and swelling. This lotion is so safe you can use it as frequently as you need! Apply your Celadrin lotion after a warm bath. Hot water boosts the flow of its healing nutrients to damaged muscles and ligaments.

Try OMT.

Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) uses rhythmic stretching and gentle pressure to speed healing and make joints less tender. As little as 15 minutes of OMT weekly can decrease stiffness and pain, even for people whose pain is so critical that they’ve been thinking about surgery.

Get your fish oil.

Including 12 oz. of fish or seafood in your weekly diet could cut stiffness and achiness. Fish is rich in healthy fats that reduce fluid buildup and help repair hurt muscles, nerves, and tendons. Even easier: Take a daily 2,000-mg. dose of fish oil that contains DHA and EPA.

Eat a rainbow salad.

There’s no need to eat even more fruits and vegetables to feel great. Just focus on eating a mixture of products with eye-catching colors. For example, try eating top lettuce with red onion, orange carrots, yellow mango, and purple cabbage. Eating colorful produce, rather than greens alone, triples your intake of carotenoids, plant pigments that soothe pain nerves, tame inflammation, and regenerate damaged tissues. This step is so effective that eating only two “rainbow” salads or other colorful dishes daily could reduce the ouch and ache in four weeks.
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