Acid-Base Balance 

Balance Your PH, Get Healthy & Lose the Weight! (Part 2)

Check out Part 2 on how to maintain your acid-base balance, what can cause an imbalance, how to get healthy and lose weight for good! First, let’s start with microforms.

Click here to read Part One and Part Two!


One of the most damaging results of an overly acidic body is the beasties that thrive therein, including bacteria, yeasts (or fungi), and molds. They can be seen very clearly in live blood.

Dietary and metabolic acid waste also set the stage for the potentially devastating development of a host of microscopic organisms in your body, starting with Candida. Candida is the Latin name for what is commonly known as a yeast in the human body but is a fungus. Yeast and fungus (and the closely related mold) are single-celled forms born out of plant, animal, and human matter. 

Where are Mocroforms Found?

They are everywhere-earth, air, water. For example, Candida is usually found in the gastrointestinal tract due to the breakdown of food matter. (We’d die without it.) However, it can quickly become drastically overgrown, causing a wide variety of symptoms, from annoying to chronic to fatal. This is the bug all too many women are familiar with as a yeast infection, and parents may have experience with if their infants ever had thrush (which is just Candida growing in the throat).

While mainstream medicine recognizes these and a handful of other

medical problems stemming from bacteria, yeast, and fungus, the truth is that on the typical American diet, the vast majority of people develop out-of-control growths within their bodies—and the effects are disastrous. Further, mainstream medicine has no solution for these acidic conditions other than toxic drugs. 

Excess Candida is just one of the villains. We are living in a plague of evolving microforms, including bacteria, yeasts/ fungi, and molds, as well as all of their metabolic waste products. We are victimized not only by the microforms themselves but also by their poisonous excretions, or mycotoxins and exotoxins (from myco, meaning “fungus,” exo, meaning “bacterial,” and toxin, meaning, of course, “poison”). 

The microforms produce these acidic wastes when they ingest and digest (ferment, really) energy in electrons from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The same substances our bodies are looking to use for energy.

Candida and other microforms take advantage of the body’s weaker areas, poisoning and overworking them. In an acidic environment, they get free rein to break down tissues and bodily processes. They live on our body’s energy, electrons and use our fats and proteins (even our genetic matter, nucleic acids) for development and growth. These organisms are eating us alive! They then send their waste products (acids) out into the bloodstream and inside the cells, further polluting the system. 

How Do They Affect Us?

To give you a little perspective on just how daunting the potential damage is, consider that yeast, fungus, and mold have been on earth over hundreds of millions of years. They have developed into more than five hundred thousand different identifiable forms. And they’ve undergone little genetic change. 

They haven’t needed to because they are great opportunists and survivalists, perfectly suited to what they do. They can go from explosive growth to thousands of years of dormancy. (Living spores have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs only recently excavated.) Furthermore, more than a thousand toxins are produced by bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold.

Bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold do not produce symptoms in the body-their toxic wastes do. Nor do they initiate disease or dis-ease. They only show up because of a jeopardized internal environment that causes body cells to transform into bacteria, then yeast, and finally mold. As Rudolph Virchow wrote, “Mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.” 

These organisms-biological transformations from your body cells—and their wastes contribute directly or indirectly to a vast list of symptoms. Most diseases, especially chronic and degenerative ones from chronic acidity, give rise to microform transformation and then overgrowth. Between the extremes of athlete’s foot and AIDS are the underlying symptoms such as diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and more—including infections that appear to be transmitted person-to-person. 

Signs of Over-acid

The general signs of over-acid that lead to the transformation of body cells and then overgrowth include:

  • pain
  • infection
  • fatigue
  • body malfunctions such as adrenal/thyroid failure
  • indigestion
  • diarrhea
  • food cravings
  • intestinal pain
  • depression
  • hyperactivity
  • antisocial behavior
  • asthma
  • hemorrhoids
  • colds and flu
  • respiratory problems
  • endometriosis
  • dry skin and itching
  • thrush
  • receding gums
  • finger/toenail fungus
  • dizziness
  • joint pain
  • bad breath
  • ulcers
  • colitis
  • heartburn
  • dry mouth
  • PMS and menstrual problems
  • irritability, puffy eyes
  • lack of sex drive
  • skin rash and hives
  • lupus
  • mood swings
  • hormonal imbalance
  • vaginal yeast infection
  • cysts and tumors
  • rheumatoid arthritis 
  • numbness
  • hay fever 
  • acne
  • gas/bloating
  • bowel stasis
  • low blood sugar
  • hiatal hernia
  • headaches
  • lethargy/laziness
  • insomnia
  • suicidal tendencies
  • coldness/ shakiness
  • infection
  • over-and underweight conditions
  • chemical sensitivity
  • poor memory
  • muscle aches
  • allergies (airborne or food),
  • burning eyes, 
  • multiple sclerosis
  • malabsorption
  • bladder infections

Whew! And that’s not even including that general, just overall lousy feeling so familiar these days. You can blame that on out-of-control evolving microforms from body cells and their toxic acid wastes as well.

Microforms are biological transformations of you and live and thrive in … acidity! They love to swim in their waste products. They also

like the low oxygen levels that occur with acidity. On top of that, the wastes they create are strong acids themselves. So just in case you need further convincing about the importance of getting your body back to basics, try the mental image of your body cells swimming in a pool of acid swarming with bacteria, fungus, and mold.

Maintaining Your PH: Acid-Base Balance 

Still, the good news is that eating correctly and using alkaline supplements wisely is all you need to do to let your body use and control the dietary and metabolic acids that cause body cells to transform, giving birth to microforms without risking the development of overgrowths or their dangerous negative forms. Maintaining your acid-base balance through lifestyle and diet provides the optimal environment for the exclusive growth of vibrant body cells and a decrease or elimination of all levels of microforms.

The pH of the blood and urine is an essential factor in determining microorganisms in the blood. Everyone needs to be concerned about excess acidity leading to microforms development, even if they are not (yet) experiencing outward signs of overgrowth. That’s because overgrowth happens in two stages. In the first, initial developmental phase, microforms grow in small colonies and, although they are most likely visible in the blood, are probably not detectable by physical sensations or symptoms. In the second, acute or chronic symptomatic phase, the complications and discomforts become apparent.

Things are now bad enough that your body is complaining, throwing up warning signs, and pleading for help. A second-stage overgrowth may happen relatively quickly or take years to develop.

Even in this second, more severe stage, all you need to do to reverse it is to create an internal alkaline environment in your body that won’t support the transformation and development of microforms. All that requires is alkalizing your blood and tissue pH with appropriate nutritional supplements and an alkaline lifestyle and diet like the one detailed in later chapters. Of course, it would be better still to stop them in their tracks before they ever get that bad, which is why anyone will benefit from this program.

When your body goes from acid back to base, bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold stop developing and can once again become benign. Their leftover toxins can then be bound up by certain fats and alkaline minerals and eliminated from the body.


Imagine your body is a fish tank. Visualize your cells and organ systems as the fish, immersed in fluids (including blood) that carry food and eliminate wastes. If I back up a car and put the tailpipe up against the air intake filter that provides oxygen to the tank, the water becomes filled with carbon monoxide, making it acidic. Then I throw in too much food, or the wrong kind of food, and the fish cannot consume or digest it all, so it begins to decompose. Toxic acid wastes and chemicals grow as the food breaks down, which makes the water more acidic.

How long before the fish are goners?

You’d never do such things to the most ordinary of goldfish. Yet every day, we humans do that same equivalent to our bodies, our blood, and tissues, fouling them with pollution, excessive intake of food, acidic foods, and more. The fish are floating belly-up, but it is as if we can’t see them or don’t know what it means.

Now, back to our polluted fish tank. If you’ve reached such a sorry state of affairs, what’s the best thing you could do to fix it? Would you treat the fish for the illnesses they would no doubt develop? No-you’d change the water.

Do your body the same favor. Change the water. Clean up the internal environment. Then keep it clean. The diet and lifestyle program in this book shows you how.

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