

Keeping Anger Out Of Intimate Relationships
Keeping Anger Out Of Intimate Relationships

Keeping Anger Out Of Intimate Relationships

Anger is normal under any circumstance, even in relationships, so keeping anger out of intimate relationships is even more important than ever. People get upset over things or even with their partners. More often than not, the problem lies not on anger per se but on the way a couple manages this situation. Anger doesn’t…

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150 150 abbelang
What if…

What if…

What if the one area of your life that you struggle with the most - whether it's your finances, your relationships, your health, or your career - could become joyful and infused with purpose? What if you woke up every day feeling fully alive, vital, abundant and deeply connected with your higher self and with…

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150 150 abbelang
Breaking up is hard to do

Breaking up is hard to do

I tend to talk so much about manifesting a relationship, some have called me the Fairy Princess of Love. But today I want to talk to you about a more tender, yet vitally important topic . . . the ending of one. I've seen time and time again how a bad breakup can hinder new…

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150 150 abbelang
Saying goodbye to my dog Bear

Saying goodbye to my dog Bear

So many friends have reached out to me after hearing the news about the passing of our dog, Bear. I have decided to write this blog post to share with you some of the special memories that we have shared with him. Let me first say that Bear's last day here with us was very…

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150 150 abbelang

Successful Marriages need a Game Plan

The decision to get married will change one's life more deeply than almost any other decision we could ever make. So it continues to amaze me that people will rush into marriage with little or no Relationship preparation or Communication skills that are needed for making a marriage successful. Couples pay far more attention to…

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Lessons I learned from my dog, Bear

We found out this past Monday that my dog has Hemangiosarcoma. Hemangiosarcoma is a very aggressive, high-grade soft tissue sarcoma with the most common areas affected being the spleen and heart. A highly malignant cancer which preys on blood vessels, it can spread rapidly, causing tumors almost anywhere in the body. Hemangiosarcoma is insidious, as…

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150 150 abbelang

Love you…Love you not

If only all of our loving feelings could last forever. Remember the amazing passionate feeling of just falling in love. You feel so connected. Like you are one with each other. This intimate connection however actually pushes you towards learning your greatest life lessons that you need to know. Some of these lessons are unfinished…

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150 150 abbelang

Life after Divorce

Courier Post has recently shared how some South Jersey women have made it through a divorce and picked up the pieces left behind by a broken marriage. The article also cited how important counseling is when it comes to dealing with this life-altering event. This article was published on the Courier Post Website (The Courier…

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150 150 abbelang

Coming Up…The Bachelorette Finale

Wow, I will have to admit I enjoy watching the Bachelorette. This season was a bit slow for me all and all but that was quickly made up with the last two episodes. Two weeks ago we watched Brooks say goodbye to Des . He basically told her that I enjoy our time together but…

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Breaking free from your Mind and Emotions

You can live your life free from all of your fears and worries. You just need to learn the skills to do that. We have conquered other addictions such as smoking or weight loss , simply by saying STOP to our minds , thoughts and actions. You can use this same technique to get out…

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150 150 abbelang
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