

A Little Secret for the Guys Out There

Of all the complaints I hear from my male clients I would have to say the ones I hear the most are not feeling appreciated and “being in the dog house” without having any idea as to what they did wrong. Guys let me tell you a little secret. Woman have an invisible scorecard. And…

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OK GUYS Gonna let you in on a few secrets…..

How loving your wife is acting towards you sometimes has to do with how she is feeling inside herself. Woman are like waves, we may feel really good at one moment and then it all can come crashing down for no expected reason. How you react to the “crash” will depend on the outcome. When…

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Ladies….Don’t waste your breath !!!! Men respond to action

Woman get frustrated with their guys and they automatically want to “talk” about it. To their girlfriends, neighbors and to their man. Let’s talk we say. Guess what ladies. Men don’t respond to talk they respond to action. If you want to get your mans attention take ACTION. Your action may mean no contact if…

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Girlfriend…Act like a prize and he will be your number one believer

Part of the trick to holding your own in a relationship with your man is …how you hold yourself… doing to much to please your man will only come back to bite you in the butt! This includes everything from calling a man to much to cooking him a four-course meal to dressing to sexy…

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Why are intimate relationships so challenging?

Why do we fight and bicker with those that we love the most. We know it doesn't make us happy yet we continue to do so. Our perception of what our partners does to us is the root of all of our fighting. We look at an action that was done to us and then find fault…

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