

Why you should focus more on loving your children than hating your ex-husband.
Why you should focus more on loving your children than hating your ex-husband.

Why you should focus more on loving your children than hating your ex-husband.

Have you ever experienced a painful breakup? Well, that should not be the question in this case. You and I have probably experienced a breakup with a romantic partner, and more often than not, these experiences are so painful that we refuse to let them go. Unfortunately, women tend to be the major victims during…

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Dietary Dangers
Dietary Dangers

Dietary Dangers

  Do not eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, etc. Read labels! Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, and fruit juices. Avoid white flour, white flour products, and white rice. Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and…

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Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself.
Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself.

Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself.

Do you find yourself walking around angry all the time? Do you have an inner voice that always reminds you of all your partner’s wrongdoings and mistakes? Have you become the expert in your relationship in pointing out everything that your

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Happy Wife, Happy Life

Happy Wife, Happy Life

Did you know that over one million marriages will end in divorce this year, and two-thirds of these divorces will be filed for by women? What makes women so incredibly unhappy in their marriages? In the earlier years of marriage, women are the primary relationship caretakers. They are the ones monitoring the relationships to make…

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Are relationships challenging for you as a man? Just hold on to your N.U.T.s

Are relationships challenging for you as a man? Just hold on to your N.U.T.s

Is being in a relationship challenging for you as a man? Just hold on to your N.U.T.s, and all will be going smoothly; here are tips.  THE MANUAL As a man, the ability to rise in society will entail coming up with solutions that fight personal challenges. After all, being a man is not easy; men…

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Good Relationships & Expectations

Good Relationships & Expectations

We see this very common scenario in the world around us today… maybe in our own lives too. It is someone’s wedding day. They look into each other’s eyes and vow to be together “until death do them part.” Standing in front of the marriage celebrant, it is difficult to imagine how the two could…

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Vitamin C as a Supplement to Prevent Illness
Vitamin C as a Supplement to Prevent Illness

Vitamin C as a Supplement to Prevent Illness

Vitamin C supplements are probably the best way to prevent common illnesses like colds and the flu. However, most people don’t know that Vitamin C

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The Way That Your Immune System Protects You

The Way That Your Immune System Protects You

Most people understand what their immune system does, protecting your body from outside invaders.  These include germs such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.  The immune system works by providing a level of immunity to illnesses and diseases to the different organs, cells, and parts of your body. In this blog post, I will take this…

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Fruit removes mucus out of the body.

Fruit removes mucus out of the body.

Only foods that are foreign to the human body would cause mucus, and mucus is created from the mucosa to protect tissue and cells due to the acid-ash produced from the starch, proteins, dead animal tissue, and their mucus and pus-filled fluids. Fruit removes mucus because the fruit is alkaline, astringent, and designed for the…

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Staying connected to your teen
Staying connected to your teen

Staying connected to your teen

More than ever, your teen is yearning for a deep connection, and with good reason. The uncertainty of this world has turned many teens' lives completely upside down. The covid pandemic has caused anxiety in most if not all of this generation. At this time in their lives, the challenge is that they yearn for…

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