Natural Ways To Take Charge of Your Feminine Health

Natural Ways To Take Charge of Your Feminine Health

It’s smart to keep your uterus and ovaries in top condition so they can continue secreting disease-fighting proteins! Here are some great ways for you to Take Charge of Your Feminine Health in a natural way.

Eat fish.

Eating six oz. of any fish, three times a week lowers your risk of uterine or ovarian cancer. Fish’s omega-3 fatty acids are proven to enhance your immune system’s ability to kill cancerous cells before they can grow and spread.

Consume lots of green veggies.

Fibroids, benign uterine tumors, are the top cause of hysterectomies. But you can decrease your risk just by eating 1-1/2 cups of green vegetables a day. Natural plant compounds called isoflavonoids to assist your liver in quickly pass excess estrogen.

Take vitamin D.

The second most common cause of hysterectomies is severe menstrual cramping and heavy bleeding. Taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D-3daily can lower your risk of painful periods. 

Drink coffee or tea. 

Drinking three cups of coffee or four cups of tea daily can lower your risk of uterine and ovarian troubles. Both are full of tissue-nourishing compounds that rev your defenses against gynecologic cancers, fibroids, and other hormone-triggered woes.

Get enough dairy.

Adding a serving of dairy to your daily diet, that’s, one cup of milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese or 1-1/2 oz. of hard cheese, can reduce your risk of developing endometriosis. Dairy’s balanced blend of calcium, protein, and milk fats helps the uterine lining grow and normally shed each month so that excess tissue doesn’t build up in the pelvic area of women who are still menstruating.

Walk every day.

Getting 20 minutes of exercise a day will ease your symptoms and cut your risk of gynecologic cancers. Exercise increases blood flow to and from the pelvis, flushing away pain-triggering that can fuel the growth of fibroids, endometriosis, and cancers Prostaglandin hormones. It also reduces estrogen production.

Take probiotics.

Probiotic supplements not only help prevent yeast infections. Taking Lactobacillus gasseri helps protect against endometriosis. The same probiotic can decrease related pelvic pain, backache, and other symptoms in three months.

Get your greens.

Studies show that eating a cup a day of spinach or another dark leafy green cuts fibroid risk. Isoflavonoids in greens help your liver eliminate the excess estrogen that feeds fibroids. Taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily turns off enzymes that rev fibroid growth, shrinking small ones.  

Eat more nuts.

Eating two cups of nuts a week lowers your breast cancer risk, and it reduces your risk of benign breast disease-noncancerous lumps. Nuts have minerals and plant fats that stimulate breast cells to divide normally.

Have a berry smoothie.

Eating three cups of fresh or frozen berries weekly can cut your risk of uterine cancer. The fiber in berries blocks the absorption of uterus-damaging carcinogens in the digestive tract. The colors in the berries enhance the ability of white blood cells to kill precancerous growths. Eating berries helps stop menopausal brain fog and slows skin aging.

Source: Woman’s World Specials: Reverse Aging

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