
Why a Man’s Best Friend Really is His Dog

I would like to dedicate this blog to my friends Ryan and Cherokee who recently had to put their dog down. It got me thinking about how hard it was for Ryan, in particular to lose his friend. There is definitely some truth behind a man’s best friend being his dog. A dog is always happy to see our husbands come home…are we???? A man may have had a frustrating day but at least his dog has no complaints. When he arrives home, the excitement and enthusiasm of his dog’s welcome let him know once again that he is the hero. A dogs unquestioned loyalty and appreciation make him feel like he is being greeted by an entire cheering section. Sometimes a man’s self esteem is centered around what he can do and what he can provide. With your dog just showing up and being there for a walk or a pat on the back does the trick. Seems sensible to me all a man has to see is his dog’s tail wagging and his stress levels begin to decrease.  I never thought I had anything to learn from my dogs but maybe I will  have to think that one through again

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